A year passed by without a single write up…surprising….how limited my thoughts have become…it seems to have lost its wings… but some thousand elephants are on a stampede in stomach, butterflies are flying around everywhere in my head…and why not? I am all set to have the “Delhi ki laddu”. The countdown has begun… just 58 more days left & my status would change from single to married. Finally, I would be stepping into a new life& am I happy? I don’t know…there’s so much of apprehension that there’s no space for pure childlike happiness.
Today’s weather is lovely…it’s perfect for sitting on the portico with a steaming hot cup of coffee. Unlike my mind, the sky is clear & like a baby the stars are smiling down on us. My friends from Durgapur , staying far away from their homeland are truly missing out the perfect welcome to the year 2012, given by nature.
It’s great realization that every morning when I would wake up I would find my love cuddled beside me, sleeping like the most beautiful child, I have seen till date. It’s breathtaking to think that I would always have him to share the steaming hot coffee in such a lovely weather. It has been a long journey with him, first as acquaintances, then friends, then lovers & now as a fiancé. He had always been beside me, then why do we need some piece of paper to bind our relationship…I already respect his parents, then why do I need to change my relationship with them just because we will sign some paper…question question question…there are so many questions & not a single answer to any of these. How can it be so? People say each question has an answer then why isn’t anyone answering my question!?!? As usual I do not know what I writing & why I am writing but I am just typing, & trying to let me thoughts fly so high that the stupid elephants stop their dance.
The day I accepted his love is still so unsullied in my mind. Everything seems as if it happened just yesterday. We have seen so much together in the last 10 years…so many memories which I wouldn’t let go off for any price. This strange guy has come into my life & since then he has changed so much in me… I don’t write diary anymore, don’t talk to myself, don’t cry in front of the mirror, & can’t think of staying alone for a day also. He has made me so much like him!! It’s good that I started writing, coz right now sitting here I am no more afraid to be married, I am no more afraid to be his wife
How to be a good wife I have little clue
But I know my love will guide me through
Will give me the strength to subdue
All challenges that I may bump into.
But I know my love will guide me through
Will give me the strength to subdue
All challenges that I may bump into.
This is because I love you too
To have you as my husband is a dream come true
To have you as my husband is a dream come true
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